Lucky Witch in Pictures


A photoshoot for the "Dreams in the Witch House" video, Oct 2019. The next seven photos are all by Alice Teeple.

Brookes staring like an intense dork, as per usual

Eric and Nivs and their shadows, looking v. arty (cool!)

Ol' Scratch hisself (aka Eric) rockin' out!

The Righteous Ghost looking super creepy with his light up mask

The Lively Imp (aka Jay) drumming his heart out

Brookes, Eric & Nivs with masks on. Reminder: this is right before Covid!

Tryna look tough, we kept cracking up. L-R: Jay, Brookes, Nivs, Eric


Here's us looking like we bout to drop the hottest mixtape of 2018:

Back row, L-R: Brookes, Nivs, Ellen. Front row: Tom

Here's us at Sidewalk (RIP!!!) on October 10th, 2018:

L-R: Tom, Jay, Nivs, Brookes


Here are baby Nivs & Brookes back in our early days when we were still just a duo, live onstage at Lovecraft Bar on Halloween, 2016. Pic credit: Lauren O'Brien.

Here we are nearly a year later, live at Sidewalk Bar (RIP!!) on October 8, 2017 as part of the Vampire Masquerade show. Pic credit: I do not recall but might be Lauren O'Brien again, as it was her show.

In case you are wondering who these foolios are, check out the Members page.

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